The e-SafeFood project aims at developing an interactive e-training program, full of user-tailored pedagogical material about microbiological food risks. This webinar will present the new societal challenges related to microbiological safety and how the e-Safeproject helps answering them.
Event type
An interactive webinar with interventions from the public (via a chatroom).
Introduction to the e-Safefood project
Presentation of the ISEKI Moodle Platform
Introductory quiz – Current societal factors
An online training unit taster
Final quiz – Knowledge assesment
Information about future project training activities
Q&A session
When ?
19 June 2023 - 10.30-12.00 (CET time)
Gemma Cornuau (Actia)
Catherine Denis (Actalia)
Valérie Stahl (Aerial)
Luis Mayor (Iseki-Food Association)
English. An automatic translator will be available during the webinars